Age Groups:
3rd-6th Grade, 9am-10:30am
7th-8th Grade, 9am-10:30am
Our volleyball holiday camp is intended to cover every skill of the game of volleyball for your young athlete. This camp is for beginners as well as for those that have been playing for several years. Here is what will be included:
Serving: Footwork, armswing mechanics, building confidence, working on core power, jump serving for advanced players.
Hitting: Introduction to approaches and transitions, armswing mechanics, jumping for height and power.
Passing/Defense: Proper technique and footwork, controlling where the pass goes, and moving quickly to the ball.
Setting: Introduction to setting techniques and proper hand contact on the ball.
Games: We will be playing small mini-games each day to utilized the skills that have been presented. This can be serving games, short-court games, wave-through and rotation games.
All payments must be completed before the first day of camp. For those who have not paid by the first day of camp, a $10 late fee will be added. (This includes any walk-up registrations on the first day of camp.